Friday, December 30, 2005

Christmas Day at the Klassen Home

Christmas day was filled with presents, great aromas and best of all the Christmas Program at our church. The morning began a little earlier than I would have liked as Patric woke up at 04:00 am. By 06:00am we were lucid enough to sit down and open presents. Patric, my oldest, was in a less than great frame of mind and as we were all sitting down decided he would attempt to leave the room. I called him and when that call went unheard I brought him into the room. His less than stellar mood, crying track inserted here, was quickly reversed when I reached down into his stocking and pulled out a brand new Thomas the tank engine!! Elijah loved the wrapping paper and boxes strewn about. Chelsea ended up getting a teapot with a mesh thing for loose teas that shes wanted for a couple of years along with an Electric Wok. She also made use of her early Christmas present our new digital camera. I received Risk 2 for PC, a book of sermons(preacher's name coming soon) and a collage made by my wonderful wifey.

The Christmas Program was the best by far as our Sunday evening superchurch teacher put together a wonderful clear presentation of the Gospel. Many people attended and we posted a new record attendance of 80 people!! My heart just leapt for joy when I saw all the people filing in through the doors. :)

We had a wonderful afternoon filled with Ham cooked in coke, Chelsea my wonderful wife knows how to cook things right, along with mashed potatoes, candied carrots, and two homemade pies for desert. We sat down in the evening and played a game of scrabble with Chelsea's Brothers, Colin and Ian.

All in all a wonderful Christmas!!! I am looking forward to next year when both the boys have a better understanding of what is going on!!!


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